Online meeting with Interorbital Systems, April 2020

On Monday, AmbaSat Ltd co-founder Martin Platt and Interorbital Systems (IOS) CEO Randa Milliron took part in an online meeting to review progress and discuss next steps related to the AmbaSat-1 Satellite rocket launch. AmbaSat-1 is scheduled to launch onboard Interorbital systems’ NEPTUNE rocket later this year. Martin reported that satellite kit distribution is going […]
Backers – Shipping status of your AmbaSat-1 Satellite Kit
Dear all, In these difficult times, we just wanted to provide a quick update on the shipping status of your AmbaSat-1 Satellite Kit. Supplies from China are starting to come through and we are preparing and shipping kits. So far, we have shipped most of the Sensor 01, 02, 04 & 06 KITS. The ASSEMBLED […]
Tees Valley Mayor visits AmbaSat course, Egglescliffe School

Tees Valley Mayor, Ben Houchen pays a visit to our AmbaSat Satellite class at Egglescliffe School, March 2020. Martin Platt, co-founder at AmbaSat commented “The AmbaSat Satellite building course provides UK students with the ultimate hands-on STEM and Space technology building experience and is an ideal path towards a STEM career. Thank you to Tees Valley […]
Backer Update

Dear all,We were able to dispatch another batch of AmbaSat-1 satellite kits last week. Supplies though are still slow and JLCPCB – our PCB supplier – has indicated that they have shipped another batch of PCBs to us (about 80) so when we receive those we’ll be able to continue with shipping. Apologies for the […]
AmbaSat 10-week course begins

Friday 28th February 2020 – Egglescliffe School & Sixth Form College, Stockton-on-Tees, United Kingdom. An excellent launch today of our first 10-week course at Egglescliffe School & Sixth Form College. Thanks to all staff and the 25 students who are taking part in the satellite course. The introduction PowerPoint presentation is now available for download […]
Press Release February 2020: AmbaSat Ltd – Skyrora Limited

Edinburgh, Scotland. 19th February 2020. AmbaSat Ltd today signed with Skyrora Limited for a collaborative orbital Space mission within the next 24 months. Skyrora Limited is a launch vehicle development company based in Edinburgh, Scotland. Combining proven rocket technology with modern manufacturing methods, Skyrora aim to cater for the growing global demand in the small […]
AmbaSat visit to Skyrora, Scotland

We had a fantastic visit this week to Skyrora in Edinburgh, Scotland. Skyrora Limited is a rocket launch vehicle development company. Thank you very much to Alex, Katie & Derek of Skyrora for a great day and for showing us around the Skyrora facilities. We really enjoyed the tour and it was great to meet […]
AmbaSat-1 TV Appearance

One of AmbaSat-1’s backers, Svetoslav Alexandrov was recently interviewed on Bulgarian National TV and talked about sending his AmbaSat-1 Satellite into Low Earth Orbit. Here is a link to the YouTube video: And Svetoslav’s original Tweet: Svetoslav Alexandrov@Zvezdichko·Feb 13 “I had the opportunity to speak on Bulgarian National SKAT TV Channel about Solar Orbiter and […]
PCB order quotas from China

COVID-19: There are ongoing supply issues with AmbaSat-1 sensor boards and solar boards from our PCB supplier in China. We are currently being restricted to maximum order quantities of 20 of each board type (mainboard, sensors & solarboard). We’ve just placed further PCB orders today. Delivery via DHL is indicated to be about 7 days. […]
AmbaSat-1 Kits Shipping and Progress Update

We’ve been working hard this week to ship the third batch of AmbaSat-1 Satellite Kits. Our PCB supplier is now back online but not yet fully operational. We will be ramping-up deliveries as more supplies start to come through. For those backers who’ve specified a KIT and are in one of the below sensor groups, […]