Building an AmbaSat-1 – Part 1

Unwrapping, first assembly & launching on OSX From Cloudspot: What is AmbaSat-1? To give some background: AmbaSat-1 is the world’s first DIY satellite development kit:It provides basic components (like the motherboard, radio, power) and a selection of sensors that can be attached to the satellite.

Component Parts Delivery – Update

The RFM95 transceiver has been the major AmbaSat-1 part in short supply but we just received some good news from our assembly partner Mowden: Final parts delivery for the ASSEMBLED version of the AmbaSat-1 Satellite are expected by the end of April. Yay! At this moment we are still looking at an end of May […]

Backers – Shipping status of your AmbaSat-1 Satellite Kit

Dear all, In these difficult times, we just wanted to provide a quick update on the shipping status of your AmbaSat-1 Satellite Kit. Supplies from China are starting to come through and we are preparing and shipping kits. So far, we have shipped most of the Sensor 01, 02, 04 & 06 KITS. The ASSEMBLED […]

AmbaSat Forum Now Online!

By popular request, the AmbaSat Forum is reinstated and now up and running and can be found at: Moderators wanted. Please PM on the forum for further details.

Meeting with Mowden – 9th December

We had a really good meeting today with Andy and Neil from Mowden Controls. Mowden will be producing the fully-assembled AmbaSat-1 Satellites and also placing MCU & GAM-9D chips on the kit versions of AmbaSat-1. Mowden specialise in low to medium volume high quality PCB population, product design & development, box build projects and Atex […]