It’s been a long few months wait but we’re pleased to announce that starting today, May 29th we now have a limited stock of the new AmbaSat Space Satellite Kits.
You’ve probably seen the news about the problems faced by Apple/Tesla/Samsung etc and the worldwide shortage of ‘chips’. If you haven’t, then check out the link below which describes the current shortage of semi-conductors and the impact it’s having around the world:
Well, here at AmbaSat we also experienced first-hand the issues with obtaining certain intergrated-circuits (ICs) for AmbaSat-1. We usually maintain a healthy stock of parts but over the past three months that stock has dwindled to almost zero whilst we’ve waited on parts supplies for all the range of AmbaSat sensors. We had to stop taking orders and marked all kits in the online store as ‘out of stock’. Most of the sensor ICs were impossible to source but the BME680 was the worst hit.
On the AmbaSat-1 mainboard, the chip in shortage and the one which has caused us problems obtaining a supply was the LSM9DS1 – the gyroscope/accelerometer/magnetometer. Our assembly partner, Mowden, did a great in finding a small batch of these. So, we have a ‘limited’ stock of the mainboards and also almost one thousand of the sensor boards which are available now.
For those who have already ordered AmbaSat kits, thank you for your patience. Nathan, Jackie and the rest of the team here at AmbaSat will be assembling and shipping these kits out starting next week. For those of you that have been asking when we’ll be getting new stock, you should be receiving an email from us now with a link to the online store which is now fully open again.
If you’re looking to get your own AmbaSat-1 Space Satellite Kit, head on over to the store – link below.

Hi-res images of the main AmbaSat and Sensor panels can be downloaded from: