AmbaSat-1 Head Quarters, Northallerton. 1st May 2020. A fresh supply of components arrived this week so we’ve been busy putting together another batch of kits. These kits are for the Sensor 02 & 04 groups.

AmbaSat-1 Kit Packs
We’re still short-staffed at the moment due to the coronavirus situation but starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel. The Farnell components which arrived earlier in the week meant we could assemble a good amount of kit and we’re expecting another delivery early next week from the USA.

Farnell in the UK is out of stock on the gyro/accelerometer chip (LSM9DS1) until the end of June (!) so we’ve ordered from Mouser in the USA. They will also be delivering a batch of BME680 sensors, estimated delivery is middle of next week.

We work in batches of different sensor ranges. Sensor batches this week have been 02 & 04. Some are battery-only kits and others include battery and solar panels.